Marketing Blueprint

Marketing Blueprint to Increase Sales in your Business

Starting a business comes with a lot of excitement that well atleast I am taking action to be successful.

But to be sincere, it got to one stage that we go a month without making sales and you are about to give up to another business.

After reading this piece of information of increasing sales in your business with some marketing strategy I am going to be sharing with you, your business gonna skyrocket to x4 or x10.

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I have talked to a lot of entrepreneurs who start a business for the only sake of doing something for themselves, that’s why many of them to give up in some months because of no sales.

Well, one of the main purposes of starting a business is to make sales or whats the purpose of a business without sales. Anything prior to help someone’s life should also pay you in return.

As Zig Ziglar once said ” You will get all you want in life if you help enough people get what they want. Online business is not only about making money. Its about fixing problems and getting paid for it.

1. Sell the benefits, not the features

Sometimes when I see some ad copies, I will be like really, how could this ad convert. You see we humans makes most of judgement based on emotions. We are moved and take action based on how we feel, not really what the situation is.

In that sense, in reality little things can make someone get angry, as little as it is, it is the way the person feels and then took action based on his or her emotions. This also applies to selling.

We buy based on emotions not really the features. A glass of cup with fine shape and everything are features but something like making you feel calm using it, it is the benefit.

People won’t wanna buy a glass of cup just because of it features, tho some can see the cup and you know like it, but the person that discuss the benefit of having the cup will sell more and that’s how you can increase sales in your business.

Starts by discussing the benefits of the cup, how you feel when you start using the cup, don’t forget that adding the features at the beginning of your copy is also good but the features without the benefits is like tea without sugar.

Kat Night agrees that quantifying the benefits of a product is more likely to result in a sale than describing its features.

2. Sell your Yourself first before the Product

We are so eager to sell that we forget that people only buy the best version of themselves which is ofcourse in line with the product you are selling. If you are selling anything like an online course, webinar, products, whatever the product, people see you before they make the purchase.

You can’t start selling your product to stranger without telling who you are, what the product have done in yourself.

This is more like the first one tho but you are selling yourself in this aspect, a great personnel they could trust.

The way you handle your business is a reflection that will determine action they are going to take either to make a purchase or not.

Stop handling your business as someone that is so eager to make money now now without adding values to their lives.

You are selling yourself first before the product. Present yourself as someone they could buy from over and over gain.

If you do this, you will spend less time and money on marketing because people have already trusted you to the extent of buying again and again from you.

If you present yourself as someone that is only after their money, they wont come back because you are doing them no good.

People are buying from you because they see how much valued you’ve acquired yourself and they want to be like you. That’s why many times a product with a visual use sells than a product stagnant without use.

3. Be an Influencer

I have over 6000 email subscribers and about 5000 phone contacts and let say have greatly influenced the lives of these people by my consistent sharing of useful contents that have changed their lives every single day.

As neil patel said

Influence is your ability to persuade others to adopt your own perspective. You believe in your product (e.g., online course, ebook, software), so you naturally want others to believe in it, too.

Your ability to persuade others in this way by appealing to their emotions will increase your sales. Influence increases the perceived value of your products.

You see, influential people tend to sell more product. It’s not because they’ve created the best product — sometimes, that’s just not true — but because over the years, they’ve built credibility. People trust their opinions.

When you’re selling online, becoming popular shouldn’t be your ultimate focus. Spend time building your influence. It takes time, but it’s worth the effort.

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